MART for Excel
Detect Mistakes, Save Time
The sMARTest tool for model review and cleanup
MART is accessed through Excel’s ribbon menu and contains professional functions to audit even the most complex models

Selected Features
Formula Explorer
VLOOKUP functions can be useful but it often takes some time to find out where the returned values are coming from. Use the Formula Explorer function to navigate to the origin cell of a VLOOKUP function with a single click.

MART includes all the essential functions for model review and cleanup: formula explorer, data
flow analysis, worksheet maps, track changes, log findings, etc.
For all types of excel users: consultants, fund managers, controllers, accountants, auditors and Excel users in general will benefit from MART.
Easy to use interface, designed by experienced Excel modelers who, like you, needed a tool just like this.
FAQ, help docs, case study video tutorials are available online to help you leverage MART to the
Your tool revealed formula mistakes in a model that our company had been using for years and no one ever noticed. I recommend it to any company using excel models to reduce model risk.
Having worked with in-house tools at an investment bank and experimented with other excel add-ins, MART is by far the best and most comprehensive tool to examine models and check their integrity. It’s a life-saver when time is short and extremely reliable. I wouldn’t want to review a model without it anymore.
This add-in helps me detect mistakes in seconds while it usually takes me a couple of hours for the same task. Thanks to MART I can work more efficiently.